Beneath Your Surface (Title subject to change)
Genre- GxB, Romance, School Life, Friendship
(A/N: Just a smaller project using online assets and resources so that I can get geared up for my (hopefully) longer game to be)
Optimistic release date- End of December/Beginning of January
Yuuna(name changeable) had always thought herself to be a reserved person- not in that she was quiet or shy but because she just wasn't good at being her usual self in front of other people. Because of this, the only people whom she regularly interacts with are the members of their school's literature club. They didn't have any unbreakable bond forged on deep understanding or unshakable faith,but when she was there she always felt like she belonged....maybe it was the same for them to some extent. But what happens when the school decides to shut down the literature club because there were only three members and they weren't doing anything 'productive'? In a desperate final attempt the club president manages to make a wager with the principal: that they-the three of them- would produce a school newspaper by the end of the month.
And now, the race is on to get a mildly interesting newspaper out in two weeks' time and get at least 500 votes from the student body lest their club be dissolved. How exactly is Yuuna to pull this off partnered with an overly excitable self-proclaimed leader who can't sit still for 10 minutes,a sweat/sour guy who hates doing anything too troublesome and absolutely no access to a printing press? And for some reason Yuuna keeps bumping into the school's most notorious ex-soccer-player delinquent...and for some reason weirder still, their president thinks that he might make for an interesting story subject.
A very chirpy an excitable girl who has a widely recognized knack of getting her way. In her first year, she took it upon herself to revive the school's literature club despite being just a newcomer. She has a very strong sense of justice and has a tendency to be pushy and overreact at the strangest things.
A rather short boy with flashily coloured hair. Endeared as 'Rio-chan', he is more or less hailed as a "sweet and innocent cute-y" by the entirety of the female populace. In reality, he is a rather sarcastic person who hates doing troublesome stuff and this real self only comes to surface when he's in the club walls.
A very serious person who has a no-nonsense air all about him. He is tough and sturdy but as Yuuna says, he looks nothing like what one would expect a delinquent to be. He is feared by the majority of the populace and people tend to steer clear of him. He doesn't look the least bit interested in human interaction, either.
Sprites: Females-Tokudaya Males-Elzee (100%)
Backgrounds- 50% (will add credits soon)
Music- Josh Woodward (80%)
GUI&Logo- 20% (W.I.P)
Feed Back Questionnaire
1. Is the title okay? Can I have suggestions for alternate ones? (It doesn't have to be similar to this one)
2. Does the plot look interesting enough that you'd consider downloading AND playing it?
3. Are the sprites off-putting (since they've probably been used loads before?)
4. Would you be interested in having Rio as an obtainable character? (Don't know if I'll actually implement that)
Thank you so much for reading. I'd love to hear your thoughts on how this sounds as an overall game.
Sayumi out!~
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